Monday, January 28, 2013

Travelin the states

So just a brief update. Without pictures. Booo. I know.

We finally have Anabelle's helmet. The right one. I guess the manufacturer sent the wrong one or wrong material or something... and she ended up with a BLUE SCOOPY DOO helmet for a week.. Very opposite of a little girls helmet.

We ordered a plain white helmet, and are going to order sticker decals for it to dress it up! She is getting more use to it, although her head is still sweating like a pig in it. It's really gross, but we're told that calms down after a few weeks.

Tomorrow we fly out to Seattle for our appointment with the infamous Dr. Judith Hall. Very excited. And nervous. I know it seems silly and pointless for me to seach for the answers we may never get. Like they why, or the specific diagnosis, etc. I am not sure it will help any. But at the same time it might. Even if not, I would like to be prepared just in case Anabelle asks me those questions when she gets older. Not to mention try to be as educated as I can be. I learned last week that I know very little while talking to other AMC families.

They have a luncheon during the clinic for all the AMC families there, which I am really looking forward to.

Oh! And we had a cardiology appointment a while back, and he said she only has a small PFO. And that it's very common, 1 in 5 adults have it and don't even know it. He did notice that her port line is in her heart, which he doesn't like. But he talked with her surgeon and he said it's fine. So we can check cardiology off the list!
And big news!!! She is starting to sit unassisted!!

We sit her on the couch, propped up but laying back, and she will sit herself up off the couch. Sometimes she falls face forward, or falls to the sides. But she is doing so wonderful! It's like she decided that she was done with always using something for support!

This is extra special news. Besides being a huge developmental milestone that is. We are going back to Philadelphia in March for a week of intensive therapy. If she can sit unassisted, it opens the doors for possibilities of assistive devices such as standers, walkers, etc. Also, it opens the door for the possibility of the WREX (a device to help with arm use).

She is getting stronger everyday. We play a game where we hold her hand up and she has to use her own strength to pull it down. She love its and thinks it's hilarious. It's mostly shoulder use, but I'll take it!
AND!! More big news! She was playing on the floor the other day, and I look over, and she's on her tummy. All by herself! She doesn't like that too much because she is face down since she can't get her arms up, but she did it! TWICE. All by herself! She's going to miss her regular therapy this week because of our trip, but I can't wait to tell them.
She is thriving. And learning. And growing. And doing wonderful all around. I am such a proud mama. She is one in about a month, and to see her go through everything she has this past year, and come out on top. I am in awe.
She's a pretty amazing lil gal if I do say so myself.
Thanks everyone for the continued love and support. It really has made a world of difference.
I promise (well.. I hope to) have pictures next time.

With love,

The Polk's

Monday, January 7, 2013

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

I posted a status update of Facebook that we got the results back from Anabelle's latest sleep study. I didn't go to the appointment, but Kyle told me some numbers over the phone and they were awesome. 

But then I just sat down and really compared the numbers. And had to update everyone about how wonderful she is doing! 

Her previous sleep study was June 2012. Her last sleep study was December 2012. 
Here is the differences

                           JUNE          DECEMBER
Central apnea:        69               12
Mixed apnea:          24                0 (Yes, ZERO!)
Obstructive apnea:  216              2
Hypopnea:             580             38

Desaturations:        484            20

In June her oxygen saturation was 96.1% with a min of 52%. The time below 90% was 17.9%.
In December her oxygen saturation was 92% with a min of 65%. The time below 90% was 7%. 

There are more numbers listed. But these are the main (and most impressive) (oh and less confusing) numbers. 

They did say she needs to be on oxygen at night. Which she absolutely hates to the maximum. I tried to connect and get her all set up for tonight, but it's been so long it just wasn't working. There is a part for water (to have it not dry her nose out and keep it moist), but when I was connecting it and turned it on, water just shot up like a fountain. Alli was there to help me clean up though. :) 

But we are having a tech come by tomorrow to show us how to do it all again. Gotta count our lucky stars that it's been so long since we've used it that we've forgotten how to use it. 

While I'm at it...

We meet with her geneticist last week too. Nothing new. I guess he actually cancelled our appointment (forgot to tell us though) because the new tests he ran on her muscle biopsy didn't reveal anything new. And he has no answers or insight as to why what happened happened, or anything to suggests but to continue what were doing. Makes me feel so great to have put her through a muscle biopsy for that. But then again, if the news was different I would be singing a different song. 

We go to see Dr. Hall at the end of this month. She is a geneticist who has done lots and lots of AMC research and is supposedly the best around town. 

Ok. I'm not ranting and raving about how wonderful Anabelle is doing. 

AH! And Kyle took Allison to get her first haircut EVER. I'm still a little sad over it, but she looooooves it <3 font="font">

 This is her being a good. She's learned she can make funny noises with her mouth and tongue 

This is her 'Are we done yet mom?' look. I was just trying to get a picture with all of her gear, but she disagreed with the idea

 Gotta throw one in of Amelia too, just cause she's a cutie pie. 

With love, 
The Polks