Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quick recap

So I know it's been far too long since I have updated. It's mostly due to lack of time. So I am forcing myself to sit here and do it!

The last update was just before we went on our second trip to Philadelphia. 

So now that was almost a month ago now. Realizing that I feel pretty bad for not updating. 

It went really good! It was just me and Anabelle for this trip. We also used Hosts for Hospitals (H4H) for the first time too. All in all, it was a good trip. The family we stayed with was sweet beyond words. They opened their entire house to us. The casts were removed. And legs and ankles look amazing. 

The top picture is before, then after is on bottom! Oh, and see how chunky her lil thighs are now too! 

So casts came off, then we went to make sure her braces still fit. We tried out the AFO's and KAFO's. The AFO's just needed to be made a little wider for her new chunk. The KAFO's needed a lot of reworking. She grew about an inch on one leg, and almost an inch on the other leg. And they also needed to be made a bit wider. They had to mail them to us since their metal worker already left and it was the weekend. Below is a picture of what a KAFO looks like. Ana's looks pretty similar, and even has a butterfly pattern!

So our appointment was December 7th. It's the 27th now. And still no KAFO's. Thanks to lovely UPS. They said we refused the package. Right... So they are on their way back to Philly, then back to us. As long as we get them eventually...

We are going to go back in March for a week. A week of intensive therapy. That means daily therapy geared to help her focus on ... wait for it ... WALKING! So our goal until then is to get her to sit unassisted. Over the past few weeks she is getting a lot better at holding her head by herself. I think it is do-able! 

The flight back Anabelle must have caught another bug. She has been sick on and off since then. We started her on Albuterol for the congestion, coughing, and ickyness. We also did another sleep study. We will get the results on the 7th. Really hoping for good results. We also saw her pulmonologist. He recommended doing a bronchoscopy when she is fully over all this ickyness. 

She is getting use to her AFO's. They are keeping her ankles straight. 

Another awesome note. Her GI said that she is getting too big! Well, to quickly at least. So we get to cut down from continuous 24 hours feedings to 18 hours a day. Last weigh in she weighed 15 pounds 10 oz!! CHUNKY! That's almost 11 pounds since she was born. Amazing. 

And she is talking up a storm. She says 'Da da da da da', and 'Ya ya ya ya'. She's become a lot more social too. As long as she has sleep in her. And she is sleeping better most nights, as long as she is feeling good. 

It seems like the appointments are slowly dwindling. I remember when we had 20+ appointments a month, and AMC families told me that it gets easier after a year, and appointments will slow down. I didn't believe it when they said it, but it's slowly starting to! 

Oh, and we had a wonderful Christmas! Ana didn't cry when she meet Santa! 

I can't believe we are creeping up on a year already. Just a few more months. I know time flies with kids, but it seems like this last year has gone by much quicker than normal. Luckily even though it is going fast, it is getting better and better. 

Just so thankful for my beautiful family. And everyone for the support. We couldn't have made it this far without it. 

Thank you!!

With love, 
The Polks

Saturday, November 24, 2012


When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo
David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandt's.
But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

I learned that this is an old poem. But, I think it will outlast time. I am very fond of this poem. It speaks volumes to our new life that we've accepted. 

I typed out a few paragraphs of how sad and upset I get at times because I realize the difference in development between our older two girls and Anabelle. Then quickly deleted it. I realize that ever so often I get caught up in feeling sad because of the missed milestones.

I need to refocus my attention and energy. Focus on how far she has come.

So much farther than I ever thought was imaginable. Yes, the road so far looks like it needs a little fixing, but we're getting there. 

Unfortunately Anabelle has pneumonia again. They said it was viral again, but gave her antibiotics. Last time they said it was pneumonia and antibiotics would do nothing. Slightly confused. And this time she is much worse. Luckily they discharged her from the ER and didn't admit her though. We have everything she would need at the hospital at home, minus a doctor and nurses obviously. But we have a pulse ox, oxygen if needed, apnea monitor, etc. She is non stop coughing, congested, raspy from crying and coughing, and plain old beat. She can't sleep very well, but she wants to oh so much. It's pathetic. 
Our older two have had this bronchial cough for a month or so now. They did 10 days of antibiotics themselves. But it hasn't done anything. And their noses won't stop running either. I'm curious now if they have some sort of pneumonia too, but their doctor isn't open until Monday. 

Even with all the coughing and not feeling good going around, the girls are still smiling. I just love them. They remind me that it's all worth it. 

Last night before we knew Anabelle has pneumonia, she was just non stop crying, wouldn't sleep, etc. I had no idea what was going on. It was my turn to watch her that night. Kyle and I switch some weekends so one of us can get a good nights sleep and stay sane to help balance out the others lack there of. But this night was horrible. I was up with her until 1:45, then she slept for 3 hours. That's it. Around 1:00 I woke Kyle because I was loosing it. She kept choking on her saliva. No matter what I did she wouldn't sleep. So we decided to take her to the ER. I didn't feel comfortable with just one going with her alone in the back seat due to her choking, so we woke Amelia and Alli, and all loaded up. About 3/4 of the way there we realized she was OUT. Totally asleep. For those that are not familiar with the ER... If you take a baby in who doesn't immediately look like they are sick, they will think you are a crazy overreacting parent. They even told me I overdosed her once.. Yeah, that nurse got a piece of my mind.

Anyway. Since she was out, we decided she must have just been tired and now she is asleep and we'll go home. So we get home, she sleeps until 4:45. I try to deal with it. I don't. I lost my cool. I fought with Kyle (before and after our attempt to the ER), I couldn't figure out why she was acting this way and got mad with her. I realize it was very illogical to get mad with a 8 month old baby. But I did. My tone with her was not a nice one. And today I feel like I deserve the worlds worst mother award. Kyle took her into the ER this time, around 6 AM. They got home around 1:30 pm, and I felt like she was mad at me, like she didn't want to look me in the eyes, let alone in my direction. It could have been that she was just tired, but it didn't feel like it. It felt as if she was holding a well deserved grudge at me for loosing my cool with her last night. It is defiantly my lowest moment as a mother so far. I mean, I get upset with the Milly and Alli, but they are older, they can talk and tell me what's going on usually.. But to get angry with a baby, and come to find out she was acting like she was due to pneumonia! Yep. I earned that award..

Hopefully this ugly bout of pneumonia will only last a few days. We go back to Philadelphia soon, and I'm a little nervous that her doc will say she can't fly if she is still sick. Obviously I don't want her to travel if she is sick either... I just want things to run smoothly. I'm always worried about when that monkey is going to throw his wrench in our plans. Dang monkey is always running our plans...

And thank you everyone for the continued love, support, good vibes, etc. It means the world to us. Honestly. I get a little teary when I think about how many people have helped us get to where we are today. Thank you.

With love, 
The Polks

Friday, November 16, 2012


I had a nice long (almost done) update all typed up, couldn't finish it because of life, so I saved instead... And when I get time to come back.. it's vanished. 
I apologize if I don't include everything now.. because time goes on and I just forget things :/ 

Man o man. Have we been a busy family lately. 

The most important update, one I am sure everyone is dying to know about. 

It was perfect! I'll start from the beginning. 

 <---- anabelle="anabelle" happy="happy" s="s" so="so">

We were flying out of SFO (San Francisco), which is about a 2 or so hours drive for us. We decided to drive to Richmond area and take the BART the rest of the way to the airport. All went well! We got there, check in was great. We had a layover in Denver. Oh and we sat next to a lady on the way to Denver that was SUPER sweet. And Ana smiled tons at her! Which is a huge improvement because she went (and sometimes is going) through a phase where she scream/cries at strangers. A little traumatized from doctors and nurses I think. We get to Philly, that went fine (minus the cab driver not knowing the city...) Go to our hotel. All is great. Ana did great sleeping somewhere foreign. 

We decided the next day to go to the hospital early to grab something to eat in the cafeteria before since we were in a hotel. We got to Shriner's about 2 hours before. We filled out all the registration papers and were told to go to clinic. I didn't think that the appointment would be as long as it was, so I think we can just grab something to eat after. Boy was I wrong. 

We got called back to a room early. We answered the same ol' medical history stuff. Waited. Saw Dr. Z (the hand expert). He was very nice! He knows and is willing to coordinate with the hand expert at our local Shriner's, whom we have no qualms with. She is actually helping us with our Miracle Flights paper work. He said that a muscle transfer will probably be unlikely for Ana. For two main reasons. 1) Taking good strong muscles from her legs to move them would only make her legs weaker, which doesn't makes sense, and 2) He needs a good nerve(s) to hook the muscle up to, which doesn't seem like it would happen or be easy with her arms. He did say to keep up the range of motion, and that he thinks some elbow splints would help with bending her elbows more. The more they bend, the bigger the possibility for independence. She might not be able to bring her hands to her face, but if she can get her forearm to a tables edge and use her weight to bend to her hand that's up on the table, then she could eat, brush teeth etc. I really hope that is an ok explanation. 
Then we meet with the PA (physician's assistant). Talked some more. 
Then waited some more. 
Then we meet with Dr. vB (lowers expert). He took measurements. How much she can bend (flex) and straighten (extend) everything; ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders, head... We talked about different options. Explained what we have done so far to him. Never once did he say 'Let's try to get her knees to bend to at least a sitting position.' We decided serial casting would probably be a flop since she's kind of plateaued. So he thinks that AFO's and KAFO's will be better for her. So he put her in plaster casts until the braces are ready for pick up (1 months time). The AFO's will be for her to wear during the day, the KAFO's will be night time. The KAFO's will have a lock on them. This will allow us to flex her knees at night and lock them, and gradually over time keep flexing. But this also gives us the freedom to remove the braces and give her baths, continue therapy, and paint her toenails! For further down the road.. he likes to do hip surgeries around 1-1 1/2 years old. We didn't talk in too much detail only because we were already approaching the 4+ hour mark. But in short, he recommends doing a surgery that just nicks the tendon on her hip that is keeping her from laying flat. I have no idea what tendon, or if that has a name. He also talked about doing a hip osteotomy. This one is big and scary. And we will need some time to talk about it with him more. 
Oh and he took x-rays! I'm not sure why x-rays weren't taken locally before treatment started. I think we were just so excited to finally be getting ortho treatment that we were in a daze. But after a while we asked and were told they are not needed. Ok, not going to focus on the negative. He took films of Ana's ankles in a few different positions, her knees fully bent (her fully bent), fully extended, and of her hips. We learned that she has oblique talus. To my understanding, her ankle bones are in socket, but not perfectly. And he found it interesting. He thought she had vertical talus. So interesting to me that this was found, and treatment might differ, because of a simple x-ray. Sorry, I got sidetracked again. I mustn't dwell on the faults of previous doctors. And they point a little downwards. Her right foot arches too. Her knees look fine (need to ask about the patella, totally forgot), and her hips still look great and in socket. YAY!

I just have to say. The ENTIRE staff is amazing! I have tons of little stories. One family has a bunch of kids, two AMCer's, were there, and they also have a brand new baby. BRAND new. So while the kids were getting films (I believe..) the check in gal held the baby for the family! The PA helped us get subway info for our way back to the hotel (but we ended up cabbing it due to time). When people entered the room they didn't just sit and stare, they introduced themselves! Explained their role and why they were there! The entire staff offers their help. If I have any questions they make sure I know how to get a hold of them. And when I call/email, they RESPOND! In a timely fashion to top it off! Oh, another big plus... the doctor does the casting himself! And it's a single bed cast room vs. a 6 bed open curtain cast room where you hear the kid next to you screaming! Oh, and they offer you their left over pizza from their pizza party! Which was a life saver since it was after 5 and we hadn't eaten. 

It was so nice meeting other AMC families as well. Seeing their kiddos! We got to chat with a few different moms while waiting to get fitted for braces. 

Ana on the other had was not a happy camper. She was wanting sleep and was done with people touching her. Little did we know she was also coming down with a cold. 

I've heard Dr. vB's casts are painful, so I packed and used Ana's Tylenol with Codeine. 

So our flight home. It was ok.. I felt bad for Ana because she hated her legs being touched, and felt bad for those around us because she was screaming. During our layover in Denver a wonderfully nice lady came up to us. She asked if Ana just had surgery. Oh man, here we go. Explained no, AMC, and what were doing. Luckily Ana was sleeping. Surprise! The lady has a friend with AMC! YAY!! She asked where we were going/coming. Explained that as well. She was floored! Her friend has raved to her about Shriner's Philly, and how great their doctors are. So any adult AMC'er who had a friend in Denver on 11/6, I'd love to get in touch with her again! Very nice lady!!

We get home and Ana is feeling too great. We also had a nurse the day after we get back who was shadowing our regular nurse. But this nurse wanted DETAILS. We don't have everything in writing as most things are a "you try it out and figure out what works at home" kind of thing. Plus we didn't know she was coming, plus we had a doctor appointment. At the doctor appointment Ana spits some brown up. Weird. She has nothing in her stomach, especially nothing brown. The doc says to start an oral med again, but lowers the dose. It has to be oral because it coats the stomach lining, and if it goes through her tube then it won't get to her stomach. So at home I try to give her some. The new dose is .25 ML. 5 ML's equals roughly a teaspoon. 1 ML is about .2 teaspoons. So 0.25 ML is nothing! To us. To Ana it's tons. She chokes, gags, doesn't like it, doesn't know what to do with it. Then she throws up. Big time. And all brown. Off to the ER. I'm not waiting this out. They suspected a bowel obstruction. So they admitted her, to the ICU. Which means constant Pulse ox and monitoring (more wire when holding her, blah). Come to find out I was just giving her too much Tylenol with codeine and she was sick. I was trying to treat the symptoms of the Tylenol with more Tylenol. Mom of the year award goes to me... 

Finally four days later Ana was finally smiling again! And back to herself, thank goodness! 

OH. And we got the MRI results, but haven't had the follow up. So I'll update when we do that in the beginning of December. But nothing huge was found (at least from what I can read...)

We have a follow up sleep study next month too. 

Fun time!! Pictures! 

 Halloween- Tinkerbells!


Pooped after getting casts! 

Happy to be home!!

My three babes <3>

Amelia hugging her booked and 'sleeping' in Ana's bouncer :D

Until next time - 

With love, 
The Polks

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The new normal

 [ náwrm'l ]   

  1. usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom
  2. healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy

Firstly, I don't want anyone to be offended. My intend is solely to express my feelings. If you disagree, that is perfectly ok and I accept that. As I hope that you accept that mine differ from yours and we can still respect each other. 

I have three daughters, Anabelle is our youngest. I have done the baby things that majority of people deal with, what you typically think comes along with having a new addition to the family. 

With our older girls there were the middle of the night feedings, burping, spit up, introducing foods, tummy time (with ease), learning to crawl, holding their heads up (basically from birth..), doctor appointments for check ups and only very rarely between, playing with toys, etc etc. 

With Anabelle there are continuous feeds, no need for burping because she has a bag that does it for her, and nothing is in her stomach anyways, spit up that is bile only and due to severe reflux, nothing orally because she can aspirate, a variety of medications and hospital visits, and very physically delayed. Oh, and about 20 doctor appointments a month. 

I do not say any of this in a negative light. I mention these things because they are not normal. People continue to tell me that Anabelle is normal. Yes. There are things about her that are normal. She is a beautiful little girl, a wonderful addition to our family, I wouldn't trade her for any other baby, and her basic needs are normal as any other baby out there. 

However, her feeding bags and list of medications are not normal. 
Her formula being prescription formula is not normal. 
Her going to therapy twice weekly is not normal. 

Yada yada yada....

I hope everyone understand what my point is. I am a little tired so it makes sense in my head, and I just hope it makes sense as I type it. 

So medical update! yay.

We have the first set of results back from the muscle biopsy. From the conversation with the Geneticist all positive. The basic: It's non progressive. Which is the answer we were looking for. In the consult, he said that sometimes conditions start out looking like just Arthrogryposis, then become degenerative. So finding out that she can only get better was a huge relief. He also said she has Fiber Type 1 & 2 disproportion. Also, he said something about active necrosis. I am confused by all of this. It seems a little oxymoron to me...  And the nurse was trying to explain the blood results over the phone, and I was totally confused. I asked her to send me the report because it was all just too much to understand over the phone. Oh, and they are still doing tests on the muscle to see what else they can find since the first tests were somewhat inconclusive. 

These are just a few paragraphs from the records, just to explain how easily I can get confused:

'The muscle biopsy shows necrosis in two adjacent fascicles with near complete necrosis of their fibers that are being replaced by an infiltrate of histiocytes at the periphery of the necrotic fascicles. That change, which essentially represents infarctions of the two muscle fascicles, is not present in the remaining fascicles of this biopsy. The necrotic fascicles are not associated with significant inflammatory infiltrates other than the histiocytes at the periphery of the fascicles, and the remaining fascicles of the biopsy remain free of inflammation  There is no evidence of vascular thrombosis.....

Trichrome stain does not show the presence of "ragged red" fibers that could indicate a mitochondrial myopathy. Likewise, stains with SDH and COX (both mitochondrial specific enzymes) show no evidence of an abnormal pattern of staining. The fibers retain a normal amount of glycogen with PSA stains with and without diastase and normal amounts of lipids are detected with Oil-red-O stains. NADH stain does not show the presence of target or core fibers.'

So... with that said... if you understand all of this please let me know what the heck is means. I understand bits and pieces. But.. 

So with that and her appointment with the neurologist, we are moving forward with another MRI. I don't really know what the right path is, or if we are choosing the right steps, and all I can do is hope that we are. It will be about 3 hours and it will be on her brain and spine. So that means anesthesia for the 6th time since she was born. Not my favorite, but it's what we have to do. 

I wouldn't trade any of this crazy chaos for the world. Of course there are times I want to just throw the white flag up. Then one of the girls or Kyle will do something to remind me it's all worth it. I am remind to appreciate every day given to us. 

When we first found out there was something different with Anabelle, we were told she probably wasn't going to make it to birth. So here, 7 months and 14 days post birth, I can only be thankful for our journey, no matter where it leads. It might not be the normal path, or the path we expected, but it is ours and I wouldn't change it for anything. 

With love, 

The Polks

Monday, October 1, 2012

crazy. beautiful

Brace yourself, it's a long one. 

I've been thinking about doing an update daily. What to write, include, etc. I've been thinking about how personal to make it, what parts of our lives to include. I know personally I read other blogs and feel like I belong. Belong to a club of sorts. A club that doesn't judge, a club where I am not alone, a club where everyone understands. 

First I will update about Ana's medical stuff... 

We have had more therapy visits. One 'feeding evaluation', and some occupational therapy (OT). 

Of course Anabelle didn't have a normal feeding evaluation. Because she doesn't eat. But it was just following up with her speech therapist and see what we can do to help her be ready to eat when she can. Setting up the appointment was frustrating. The receptionist said the have her hungry, but not starving. This way she will show them how she eats. Well, she doesn't eat. She proceeded to disagree with me and was totally confused and baffled with my responses. I told her I know what needs to happen, and don't worry about it. 

She is currently receiving occupation therapy twice a week through CCS. They have to submit a plan to her doctor for approval. The plan includes where she is at, goals, expectations, etc. It was nice reading the parts about how she is a very visual and happy baby. It was devastating reading the parts about her being at a 12 week development mark, how drastic her AMC really is, and just how much therapy they think she needs and how much she needs help with. 

I think it hits so hard because I have procrastinated thinking about life to come. Since we found out that Anabelle had something different going on (at 20 weeks prenatally), it's been a wait and see process. It still is, but some things are becoming evident. She is 7 months old (today, YAY!) but physically where a 3 months old is. It's hard to see it written down on paper. It's hard to see other kids her age at the store, in waiting rooms, at the park. Anywhere life normally takes you.  

Like I said, it only gets to me sometimes. Mostly I am just so thrilled that she is gaining weight and is happy! But I think these are reasons I have avoided updating because it makes me sit down and think about her progress. Her very very slow progress. 

But good news! She was plateauing for a few weeks on weight. We slowly upped her feedings, and now she is doing just fine! Her GI is micromanaging her for a few weeks to ensure things are under control and she is on the right track. This means weekly appointments. And since both us and her are so busy, we get to see her Monday mornings at 6:45 AM. Anabelle isn't loving these appointments, and gets mad when I wake her up. She has done good though! She has joined the 12 pound club! Next Monday if things keep going good we are going to switch from formula to a blended diet. This means blending foods! Actual food! I don't know all about it yet, but she mentioned spinach, kael, oil... and that kids usually do much better on blended diets, especially kids with reflux. She is an awesome doctor. Always listens, very open to ideas, not all medical. Realized that we are people that have to live with this. We talked about this on Monday, and she was explaining how she advocates for her families. That right there was awesome. Her families, not patients. She realizes this effects the whole family. LOVE her! 
*update to the update* 
I wrote this a week ago, and GI has been.. iffy lately. Not the doc. Wednesday I was giving night meds and her tube clogged. It happens. Every time I stress, but we can always get it unclogged. I guess we put too much pressure on it and the tube popped. Totally broke. Done. Off to the ER. Since IR didn't want to come in that night, she had to be admitted until they came in the next morning to get her a new tube. They said it'd be an easy experience, smooth. Put a guide wire in the tube, take the old tube out, put the new tube over the guide wire, place it, then take the guide wire out. Easy! WRONG. The tube was so clogged they couldn't put the guide wire through, so they had to do the entire procedure. And since she doesn't do great with anesthesia, and they said it'd be simple and anesthesia wouldn't be necessary, we didn't do it. WRONG, again. I got to be with her, and the entire time was horrid. I hate myself for letting it happen and her go through that pain. Then Saturday night I was doing meds again, and the damn tube clogged, again. I just balled. I called the GI to see if there was anything else I could do that I hadn't tried, there wasn't. Per her instructions we went in Sunday morning. We went in at 7:00 am and IR couldn't change her tube until 4:00 pm. ALL day without food. And this time we used Propofol and she didn't have to be awake. But then all last night and today she just isn't her. So I took her into the ER. They say she has gas and it's just the side effects from Propofol. We see her GI in the morning so I was done with them. There were a lot of people with coughs and contagious stuff today. So done with the hospital. I wish I could run it and make things run smoothly. 

Last Friday Anabelle meet with Neurology. He wants to wait until the muscle biopsy comes back, but depending on what the results are wants to do another MRI. I'm not exactly sure why (I didn't go), but wanting to check out the nervous system is my guess. 

OH!!! BIG NEWS!!! We have an appointment for Shriner's in Philadelphia! November 5th :) I am terrified things will all fall apart and we won't be able to make it. I also haven't really ever traveled, so I am terrified. Scared of traveling with a baby, a baby with feeding tube, etc etc. But I am hoping things work out, and am trying to prevent them from falling apart. I really want to go out there and see those doctors. The lower extremity doctors here are upsetting. They are unwilling to coordinate. Last week she was suppose to get casted again. Kyle took her in, and they make it seem like we are burdening them. In the end, he walked out without casts. The last casts we got, a few weeks ago, were too tight. Since they use soft casts I am able to take them off at home, which I did. I felt like her care was being compromised. So I am excited and can't wait to see what Philadelphia has to offer. 

She is doing ok overall. Hopefully tomorrow her GI can give us more answers. 

Amelia and Allison are doing good. Amelia is wanting more attention from me, and I can't give it to her all the time. It's hard to balance attention. 

Lately I have been conflicted. Conflicted over having 'typical' kids and a special needs kid. I am so happy and grateful that my older girls are healthy, are able to do things on their own, for the fact that I have never worried if they will be able to live independently, and on and on and on. In the other hand, I am frustrated because I know these things will be hard for Anabelle. I don't know exactly how to explain it. I try to not let AMC effect things in our lives so much. Just take it for what it is and conquer it. Again, the moments of frustration know how to creep its way in. 

But I wouldn't change our life for anything. I am thrilled with each and every day that we have these beautiful girls, and that they are ours. I love them all so much and couldn't imagine life without them. I am blessed to have them, blessed to have such a wonderful partner to go through this crazy beautiful life with. 

With love, 
The Polks

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just keep swimming

I started out writing this post a few days ago. Then put it off, then  got busy. I think I delay updating because it makes it a little to real sometimes. Sorry. It's easy to go through the motions and not think due to being to distracted by what is currently happening. And our hospital and doctors are very into having us make big decisions. So we focus on that instead of, "Hey, this is all really happening to our infant daughter."

So here it goes.. as always, very busy little girl.

Yesterday she had her surgery. Her surgeon found a port small enough for Anabelle. Which was so exciting, that way she didn't have to have a broviac, meaning there are no extra cords or tubing sticking out of her. So she had the port place, had a muscle biopsy and they switch her J-tube to the same type of tube, just a new tube. 

So in preop, we meet the anesthesiologist. After looking over her veins, he asked us why we were getting a port, and that she has great veins. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! This has been something Kyle and I have been deliberating over. Because it is optional. But then we keep reminding ourselves that winter is coming, and that we don't want her to go through what she's been through for blood or an IV one more time. Plus, if she gets sick again, and dehydrated, and they can't get an IV started, she could go into shock and things could be 100% worse. Thanks Dr. Anesthesiologist for making us doubt our decision in the 12th hour. Thankfully her surgeon (who has known her since birth) agreed with us and went forward with the port.   

The surgery took longer then expected. The surgeon said it should all take about two hours. When the 1 hour 45 min mark came, I called back just to see where they were, how she was doing, etc. The nurse said that they just finished the port placement and J-tube, and were starting the muscle biopsy. AH. Why? What happened? Is she ok? Well.. she is/was fine. 
The issue was the doctor had a tough time placing the port due to her anatomy. I understood what that meant when I saw her. Typically a port goes right around or below the collar bone. She had about 4 nicks where he attempted to place it there, then one on her neck covered with a steri-strip. He ended up placing it on her side, below her chest, but kind of on her ribs. There is a little cut about an inch or so above it where he cut to place it.  Before we got to see Anabelle, the surgeon talked to us. He explained all of this to us. We were scared, having no idea what to expect and all and asked how she was. He said she was fine, she did great. But that he was frustrated and not thrilled with what he had to do. He didn't like where he had to put it, and that it is going to her jugular, rather then normally coming out by the heart area (from my understanding). But that it is fine, will all work the same and she won't know the difference. This was huge coming from him. He is a very reserved fellow, who only talks when he needs to, and doesn't speak very loud. Him telling us how he was frustrated made me realize how different Anabelle's body is then other kids. 
But all in all it went pretty smoothly. The anesthesiologist let us know, again, that she has a small airway, and it was difficult to intubate her. But it was nice because he gave me pointers to let the next anesthesiologist know ahead of time what to expect and how to make it easier. 

We finally got to see our baby girl about 4 hours after handing her over. She was not a happy baby. We discussed which pain meds to give to her with the nurse. She said Morphine. I was TERRIFIED. The last time she had Morphine was after her Gastroschisis repair. And she was on a ventilator for 5 days. And they had to bag her time and time again. Like I said, the hospital is very parent guided. Great. Make me make this choice while my daughter is waking up from surgery, in pain... Ok, let's do it. Her normal dose would be 1.5 MLs, and we started out at .2 MLs. About 15 minutes later we realized that didn't do much. So she got another .2 MLs. Then she was feeling much much better. No more crying. Her crying wasn't full on crying, it was more like whimpering. And no side effects!! She did wonderful with it! Still hate giving it to her... but it worked. Then we were still suppose to go home that same day. Neither Kyle or I felt comfortable with that since she had so much done. We just didn't feel  comfortable we could control her pain, and what happens if her breathing acts up? Nooo thank you. Finally her surgeon said we could stay overnight. Oh, and I got my honorary nursing degree yesterday too. I wish it could work in real life and I could skip the schooling.. Ana's nurse in recover just mentioned how I know everything about her and how I could do everything she was doing. So maybe I could just be Ana's nurse :)

Later that night the nurse on the floor was giving Ana her meds, and she clogged her brand new tube. Now... I've done this countless times, so I knew it could be unclogged and didn't panic. But I guess her nurse is new, because she mentioned, 'Great, the rookie nurse clogged your tube.' Next time ya might want to keep that thought in your head, just sayin'. So I walked her through it. Told her what to grab to unclog it. But man, she clogged that thing up good... It was tough to get undone, but after about 20 minutes it was done. 

Anabelle slept all night, with only waking up her and there to whimper and complain. But overall her pain was controlled. She did have some weird breathing until about 11 PM. She was breathing like you would after a good hard cry. Kind of a hyperventilating breathing. But she got Tylenol with codeine at 10, and by 11 it stopped. 

I do have to mention that after she got her Morphine and opened her eyes in the recovery room, we got a few half heart-ed smiles out of her :)

In other news..earlier this week we meet with her GI. She has plateaued with her weight. She is hovering around 11 lbs now. She wants us to slowly increase her feeds again, until she can no longer tolerate it. We have to find her threshold. We think that with the extra therapy, and how she is almost always sweating, that she is burning to many calories. And since we can't stop either of those things... So she was at 16 ML/hour, and the GI wants us to go up 1 ML every day to every other day. As we see fit. Another thing where it's great because we went to medical school and all. 

I really can't complain. I would be upset if they were telling us what to do and not asking our opinion. It just makes me nervous because I'm not a nurse, a doctor, or anything close to having any say over anything medical. We will see how far up we can get Anabelle. The goal is at least 20, but who knows what she needs, it might be higher. Her GI is trying to avoid the use of TPN. It can cause liver failure, and we don't need to go down that road. She is a big advocate of NOT using it. 

In family news!

Allison started preschool (the same day as surgery...)!!! She will be in school 5 hours a day, for 5 days a week! She said that she liked it and had a good time. Of course I feel horrible though. Since it was planned the same day as surgery, we didn't pick her up and Kyle's mom did. Thankfully we have someone to do it (Thanks Cindy!), but it's something I would want to have been able to do. She did get cut on the chin by a little boy though... :( 
And Amelia had her first day in a 5 hour class, with a new teacher. She said that she liked it too!! And that she had fun, which is such a huge relief. OH. I called during the day to check on them. The teacher said that Amelia didn't take her nap, as usual. But she kept saying that she had to go potty. This is her way of avoiding naps and bed time. But every time she got up she did her business, so I guess you can't get too mad. 

But they are such awesome little girls. The other day Amelia asked if the doctors were going to cut Anabelle. We have decided it is best to keep the girls in the loop, and try to prepare them and explain things about Anabelle as best as we can. We don't keep anything a secret, we are an open book with them. I know they are only toddlers, but.. we think its best. We'll see how it plays out in a few years, but, for now we are doing what we think is best.

I digress. She asked about the doctors cutting Ana. I said yes, they are going to do it tomorrow. She got up and come over to us (I was holding her), and said how she doesn't want the doctors to cut her. We explained what they were doing, and why. What to expect the after, and how she will need to be careful with her. She said that she was sad, and that she didn't want them to cut her. And how she wanted to cry. Oh. My. Goodness. I love her!!!! She didn't cry. But just to know that she is so mature at four to realize this, and what's going one. Meanwhile, Allison is in the background jumping up and down, saying, 'They're going to cut her', kind of in a singing voice... 

Now, some might think this is horrible, because it's too much on a four year old. You might be right. To me though, I interpret it as her understanding what her baby sister is going through, showing proper emotions, and showing that she loves and cares about her sister. 

With each passing day Anabelle is getting better and stronger. Tomorrow we get to schedule an appointment to use her port for a blood draw. I'm terrified. I'm scared that it will still hurt, but mostly I'm scared it won't work. We will see... 

But we appreciate everyone's support, prayers, thoughts and good vibes through everything. It really makes a difference knowing people are there for us, and more importantly for Anabelle. Thank you!

With love, 
The Polks 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Busy lady

It's never a dull moment with Anabelle! 

Last week her GI called, and said that if I am not comfortable with her pain level to bring her in, again. To the hospital because it was Friday after 5:00 PM, and that's how our life works. So she had been screaming all day, and then I get home from work and no change. Even with meds. 

I took her in. We got her comfortable and admitted. I meet with the attending doc. I should mention we are VERY familiar with all of the doctors, and most nurses. Probably my least favorite thing. So he comes in and we discuss. He noted she was boarderline for an ear infection, but just not sure. So he wanted a complete work up. yay.... I explain how tough it is to get an IV and blood, and how we're getting a broviac cause of this very reason. I explain how last time they stuck her 14+ times, and still nada. He puts a cap on the times they can stick her, 3. Love it!! 

So two nurses come in to do the IV. These are new nurses I have never seen, which is weird... I explain how hard it is. I explain how I'd like IV therapy or a NICU nurse.. They reassure me that they are pros and can get it. I tell them about the 3 sticks max.... 

Two sticks in, they tell me I'm right, and mama knows best. DUH!
NICU nurses come down. Another 4 sticks. They got an IV twice, but both turned. Meaning they no longer went into the vein, but rather just into her arms.. filling it with meds and fluids. Painful.. 

So no IV. Then lab comes. They did another few sticks and got enough only for 1 of the 4 tests. Great. 

We saw her GI the next morning. Of course Anabelle was all smiles. Making me look insane. Then her GI remembered that in the hospital they blend the formula. Literally, just put the formula and water into a blender and wa-lah! She said that it takes out a lot of the gas.. still seems like she's crazy, but I guess it worked, for a few days. Anabelle came home on Sunday. 
She did pretty ok during the week, only needing Tylenol w/ codeine once a day.. however, Thursday she started getting back to herself. And now, Friday, I called her GI again. 

She also meet with surgery for a follow up. We told him what's been going on. He said that she is too small for a port, and she will get a broviac. But I guess there is such thing as a low profile broviac... (I can't remember if I have already said this..sorry!)

We meet with pulmonology this week. He said that he's happy with how she's progressed. Cancelled a med, added another one. Important news. He said that he doesn't want to repeat her swallow study for at least six months. And he said that'd be early. With that said, she will have a feeding tube, be it J or G, or GJ, for at least another year. In order to get her tube out she has to 
1. Do a repeat swallow study and PASS, showing no aspirating or iffy like behavior. 
2. Eat on her own without touching her tube AND thrive for another solid 6 months. 

That was a little upsetting to hear, only because her GI ok'd a repeat swallow study for as soon as it could be approved.. but it's ok. What ever is best for Anabanana. 

OHH and she is 11 lbs now :D Such a chunky monkey! Her hair has gotten so out of control too.. It reaches her eyes now! I put together some pictures and sent them to a doc for his opinion, so they have some funny words on the, but look how far she's come! 

See what I mean about the hair! 
(yawning because she is bored with me...)
 Her knees BENDING

 Ana laying out :)

As far as family news::: I just got a promotion/new position at work! It will be awesome. I think I will really enjoy the work, and am super super super excited to start!! 
Amelia and Allison are doing awesome. Amelia is really loving school. We have our first parent teacher conference next week! But there is this little girl who I can't stand. She tells Amelia that her shoes are not cute, or her hair or whatever.. then Amelia comes back and says she needs to wear different shoes, or she can't wear braids because this little girl said they are ugly.. UGH. I never thought I could be angry with a 4 year old!! Don't worry, I alerted her teacher to it and she has gotten better, I think.. 
I really don't think Ana and all of her needed attention has affected them to much. People always ask how they are doing with everything. I honestly haven't seen a huge drastic change in them. I feared jealous, outbursts, and just plain hell when we took Ana home from the NICU. But nada. I gotta say, our kids are pretty dang awesome. 

With love, 
The Polks

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Testing and guessing

Anabelle has been a busy busy little lady. 

Let's see. Medical stuff... 

She's finally back in serial casting.. It's been a while since her on and off again hospital stays and trips. She has seen Endrocrinology, a Pulmonology team (a nurse, dietitian, social worker, etc.), her Rehabilitation coordinator, and GI. 

Endo wants blood. Pulmonology wants follow ups. Rehab wants therapy. GI wants the most. 

GI wanted an X-ray to check what, I don't know. But we did it this morning. I swear she might grow up and glow from all of this radiation... From my understanding; depending on what her GI sees in the x-ray...maybe not.. on Monday we will switch her back to a G-tube. Then observe. This will be done in the office. We will wait and watch her reflux. Unfortunately I have a feeling that it will be the same. She's still refluxing with a J-Tube, and that goes straight the the small intestine and was suppose to fix all of our worries. So if she still has severe reflux that affects her breathing horribly, again, then we will do a Nissen fundoplication. (gotta love Wikipedia!) So if we do that then we will combine the muscle biopsy and broviac, or a long PICC, like she had when she was in the NICU, and the Nissen. 

Man oh man. My hope is that by 7... 7 1/2 months... things will slow down and we will be settled and things will be smooooth. I feel like we're getting there.. Just a little hiccup in the road.

Like I've said, I'm back at work. And I have been asked more than once how Anabelle is. Honestly it doesn't bother me. It's just though because do you really want to know, because we're just passing by each other in the hall, and I can't fit it all in in these short 5 seconds. And also, I don't want some people to think I'm complaining, or being sad. It's just her story. I don't want them to feel bad or pity her or our family. We are blessed. Honestly. I look at her and always just imagine how much worse it could be. And how far she's come, and what a little trooper and fighter she is. 

Like today! She had such an awesome day! She was laughing (which it's been a while since she's laughed), and was all smiles. And she watches what we do, interacts with us. And most of all doesn't let all of this medical junk get in her way of being her, a happy, loving life baby girl. I have to say though, I think she loves her sisters most. Every time they talk and play with her she is ALL smiles! They love to help so so much. I am so thankful that our family has come together so well and we can all just see our precious Ana :) 

Hopefully we will have more answers as to what the next few weeks look like ahead by tomorrow. 

Oh, and the prayers, good thoughts, vibes, mojo, can we please keep it coming? I really feel it's been working wonders. Thanks <3 font="font">

With love, 
The Polks

Monday, August 6, 2012


Today was an awesome day!!! We got in home nursing set up. :) So while I am at work, Kyle is at home with Amelia, our four year old, Allison, our three year old, Anabelle and now her nurse! I can't lie though.. It was a little awkward first meeting her and getting everything set up. I know it will be awkward at times for Kyle though. Anabelle is still a baby, and sleeps a lot. So when she is sleeping.... What will the nurse be doing? Hm...

But she is nice, and pays attention. She did a lot of range of motion with Ana today which is awesome. I try to sneak it in throughout the day while at home, but between doctor appointments, medications, getting the girls whatever they are wanting, etc etc. So it's super nice to know it will get done throughout the week, every day. She is familiar with feeding tubes too which is a plus! And she likes to hold her; not afraid she will break her, hurt her or whatever it is that makes people to scared to touch her. 

We did however have a one night stay in the hospital over the weekend though... On Friday she spiked another high grade temperature. My first day back to work. Kyle was a trooper though. He took Amelia to preschool and took Ana (with Allison in tote) to the ER. It was his first time, and he had to do it with Alli too! He did awesome. They had to do blood work, again. Her white blood cell count was slightly elevated. I mean, normal range is 11,000-17,000, and her count was 20,100. See, slightly. An elevated white blood cell count could indicate an infection somewhere. So they cath'd her again to see if it was a urinary tract infection, and over an hour they got a DROP. No joke. The nurses tried to get an IV to get her more hydrated and get more urine for the tests.. I lost count, but I think it was somewhere around 14 attempts. And they all failed to get an IV started. The PICU doctor wanted to observe her overnight and repeat the blood work just to see. Luckily she is ok, and we only spent a total of about 24 hours in the hospital. 

He also recommended talking to other doctors of hers about getting a port or broviac. These are typically used for chemotherapy. But I think it might be a good idea. The hospital stay mid-July, the two week stay, was scary. Ana was very dehydrated. They tried many many times to get an IV started. They has the nurses on the floor try, the NICU nurses, IV therapy (supposedly super good at getting an IV), and then the doctor came in. I swear I could see his forehead starting to bead with sweat. He kept saying if he couldn't get it soon then he'd have to do a central (which requires anesthesia) or something with putting a needle in her bone... all because he was afraid she would go into shock. 
So, I think she should get it.. 

But back to this home nursing... 

It helps so so much. Today Ana had a follow up with ENT (Ears, Nose, & Throat). The nurse is able to assist Kyle at appointments, and went with him today. It helps not only to have an extra set of hands, because he will have to take one or both of the older girls. But also because she has the medical terminology in her back pocket. Luckily I am familiar because of my job, but Kyle is just starting to learn. And from our experience today, it also helps because she will be an extra set of ears to help remember what the doc says and relay it back to me. Kyle is just a bit occupied with trying to just manage just getting through the appointment with the girls. Oh yeah. I despise her ENT doc and we are getting a new one. She spent 5 minutes with them, didn't touch Ana and all she said is as follows. "Is she thriving? Good, she doesn't need a trach. I am referring you to a plastic surgeon to follow. (Do to microcephaly)". Helllloooo?!?! She has given us grief in the past too.. 

Ah. So nice to have help with the little stuff. I was telling her how nice it is that we can start focusing on ANABELLE. Not medicine, therapy, or any medical stuff (at least for a bit). We can enjoy our baby!! YAY!!!!!!

Also, it helps making going back to work a whole lot easier!! When I was home it was tough with two people, so I was panicked when it was just going to by Kyle. Not because he isn't capable, just because it's a lot for one person. 


I finally feel like the pieces are starting to fall together, in the right order! 
I'm totally jumping on this bandwagon and praying to goes for a good long while! 

With love, 
The Polks