Last week her GI called, and said that if I am not comfortable with her pain level to bring her in, again. To the hospital because it was Friday after 5:00 PM, and that's how our life works. So she had been screaming all day, and then I get home from work and no change. Even with meds.
I took her in. We got her comfortable and admitted. I meet with the attending doc. I should mention we are VERY familiar with all of the doctors, and most nurses. Probably my least favorite thing. So he comes in and we discuss. He noted she was boarderline for an ear infection, but just not sure. So he wanted a complete work up. yay.... I explain how tough it is to get an IV and blood, and how we're getting a broviac cause of this very reason. I explain how last time they stuck her 14+ times, and still nada. He puts a cap on the times they can stick her, 3. Love it!!
So two nurses come in to do the IV. These are new nurses I have never seen, which is weird... I explain how hard it is. I explain how I'd like IV therapy or a NICU nurse.. They reassure me that they are pros and can get it. I tell them about the 3 sticks max....
Two sticks in, they tell me I'm right, and mama knows best. DUH!
NICU nurses come down. Another 4 sticks. They got an IV twice, but both turned. Meaning they no longer went into the vein, but rather just into her arms.. filling it with meds and fluids. Painful..
So no IV. Then lab comes. They did another few sticks and got enough only for 1 of the 4 tests. Great.
We saw her GI the next morning. Of course Anabelle was all smiles. Making me look insane. Then her GI remembered that in the hospital they blend the formula. Literally, just put the formula and water into a blender and wa-lah! She said that it takes out a lot of the gas.. still seems like she's crazy, but I guess it worked, for a few days. Anabelle came home on Sunday.
She did pretty ok during the week, only needing Tylenol w/ codeine once a day.. however, Thursday she started getting back to herself. And now, Friday, I called her GI again.
She also meet with surgery for a follow up. We told him what's been going on. He said that she is too small for a port, and she will get a broviac. But I guess there is such thing as a low profile broviac... (I can't remember if I have already said this..sorry!)
We meet with pulmonology this week. He said that he's happy with how she's progressed. Cancelled a med, added another one. Important news. He said that he doesn't want to repeat her swallow study for at least six months. And he said that'd be early. With that said, she will have a feeding tube, be it J or G, or GJ, for at least another year. In order to get her tube out she has to
1. Do a repeat swallow study and PASS, showing no aspirating or iffy like behavior.
2. Eat on her own without touching her tube AND thrive for another solid 6 months.
That was a little upsetting to hear, only because her GI ok'd a repeat swallow study for as soon as it could be approved.. but it's ok. What ever is best for Anabanana.
OHH and she is 11 lbs now :D Such a chunky monkey! Her hair has gotten so out of control too.. It reaches her eyes now! I put together some pictures and sent them to a doc for his opinion, so they have some funny words on the, but look how far she's come!
See what I mean about the hair!
(yawning because she is bored with me...)
Her knees BENDING
Ana laying out :)
As far as family news::: I just got a promotion/new position at work! It will be awesome. I think I will really enjoy the work, and am super super super excited to start!!
Amelia and Allison are doing awesome. Amelia is really loving school. We have our first parent teacher conference next week! But there is this little girl who I can't stand. She tells Amelia that her shoes are not cute, or her hair or whatever.. then Amelia comes back and says she needs to wear different shoes, or she can't wear braids because this little girl said they are ugly.. UGH. I never thought I could be angry with a 4 year old!! Don't worry, I alerted her teacher to it and she has gotten better, I think..
I really don't think Ana and all of her needed attention has affected them to much. People always ask how they are doing with everything. I honestly haven't seen a huge drastic change in them. I feared jealous, outbursts, and just plain hell when we took Ana home from the NICU. But nada. I gotta say, our kids are pretty dang awesome.
With love,
The Polks