I looked back at a couple blog entries from December 2011. I knew absolutely nothing. I am still learning. However, I know mountains more now then 15 months ago. I didn't know how to correctly spell Gastroschisis, I didn't even know what exactly Arthrogryposis was. I was terrified of what was to come.
It seemed like eternity for Anabelle to join us. I remember having such mixed emotions. I couldn't wait to hold my baby girl. But no one could tell me how long I might have with her, or what to expect at all. I knew that she was ok while still in my belly, but how would she be outside?! It was terrifying. And then the day came. March 1, 2012. Such a roller coaster day. I was so out of it because of all the lovely pain killers they gave me. I remember when I finally got to see her, and tried to ask, 'How is she doing?', I'm sure it came out as 'Keolnlsdu aslkdnfo uoasdnl'. Or at least that's how it felt by the stares I got.
Now were just shy of a year later. If you told me we'd be here be a year ago, I'd probably laugh in your face. I didn't even want to think this far into the future. It was because the doctors didn't think that Anabelle was as amazing as she is. I couldn't imagine life without her.
I won't lie though. It hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns. The beginning was rough. Really rough. Thankfully we have had amazing support. Not only from our family and friends, but from total strangers. We have been blessed to meet tons of other families online who have years of experience. I'm not sure we'd be as strong of a family now if we didn't have this support. It's a group of people who have already been there, done that. They have encouraged us to do what we think is best, as well as offer up some well learned tips. We have only meet a few of the families in person, but I don't feel like they are strangers. With them this road isn't so rough. It's so wonderful to have questions and have tons of people to turn to for advice.
When I think about how far Anabelle has come, I am overcome with joy. From doctors telling us that she'd never do anything, to today, where she sat for hours and played with her sisters and laughed her head off. But that's a mix of emotions. Doctors don't know everything. And some people think what they say is stone. And to me that is terrifying. Because sometimes they are wrong. Like they were with my wonderful baby. They told me to consider my options. The genetic counselor we were working with during that time push our 'options' on us. During our most fragile time. Just hurts to think that these people can influence families to make these life changing choices and take their wonderful babies away from them. I am so thankful we didn't listen to those doctors. Don't get me wrong, they were nice during our care, but... only after we made them understand our feelings. That this is our baby, and a diagnosis, or lack thereof, doesn't change that.
Today I tried to do a photo shot of the girls for their birthdays. Spring time in the Polk household is Birthday season! Four out of five members celebrate. Today was primarily for Anabelle's birthday. It is just wonderful to have all of them home, together, healthy and happy (mostly).
(And yes, we are that family who does matching outfits for pictures)
She is a natural!
Hanging out upside down! Loves it because it allows her to move her arms :)
She's not sure about this pose...
Not even a wardrobe change and her animals could salvage this shot
She was so tired from sitting for so long, she took a nap from about 3 to 6, and then woke up for about an hour, and slept since. I guess a photo shot is a great way to knock her out :) Good thing, because this one didn't turn out as I planned or wanted exactly. Which just means another great night of sleeping for the parents!
Thanks to everyone for EVERYTHING. Everything has gotten us to this this point, and I am so thankful.
More to come.
With love,
The Polks