Thursday, April 25, 2013

Quick update

I realized that I haven't updated as much as I should! In over a month actually... I apologize..

What's new with Miss Anabear?

Well, she's learning to use her arms to the best way she can. She will swing her arms and knock things over, or use her mouth.
She's still working on scooting. It's kind of hit a wall, so we're talking with her therapists about getting something to help.
She still refuses to say 'mama'. Even though she tries. She looks intensely at our mouths as we say it and tries.

When we got home from our last Philly trip we had to change her tube. I think I updated about that. NIGHTMARE! Then about a week ago the tube broke again. Now, Anabelle has/had a straight J tube. And the size she had only came in a tube that had an external portion, 'high-profile'. Like the picture below. Except (obviously) that's not Ana, it's a photo off of the internet. Hopefully I don't get in trouble because of it. :)

So when it broke for the second time in roughly a month, I was done with it! We took her to the ER, because it was after hours. I had the ER call her GI doctor, because I wasn't able to get a hold of her. Finally we talk, and come up with a plan. We switched her to a low-profile GJ tube. The picture below isn't wonderful. I'm not sure why there is an apple in it.. But I hope it makes sense. The very top (where the apple is) is what lays against her belly. Then the balloon (the bottom of the apple) is what is inside her belly, along with the rest of the tubing. That way the only part sticking out is flat. It's wonderful. And since the main issues with the straight J-tube are that they broke on the outside, I am hoping this is much better. Plus, we get to see if she will tolerate food through the G-tube again. We haven't tried it yet, because she's been sick, but it's an option!

We meet with her GI last week. She isn't gaining enough weight. She has a registered dietitian (RD) that comes in before the doc, and we discuss options. It's nice to have that available! She said she'd like Ana to be gaining around 15 grams a day, and she's around 2.5. So she's plateaued. Which is difficult because she doesn't tolerate a high volume of food. And in a larger picture it's frusterating because I'd love her to be on a blended diet (BD). Which is literally food, blended. Then we push it through a syringe to feed her, rather then being on a pump. But we can't BD feed her through her J tube, per her RD. And I'm nervous about trying to feed her again through her G. So we are waiting until she is better to try it out and see if we can't get her on a BD through her G. That way we can add more calories, she won't be hooked up all the time, she's getting REAL food.. just good all around.

Let's see, what else. We are STILL trying to coordinate a procedure. Well. Procedure/surgery now. We're still waiting for them to get their stuff together and do a bronchoscopy and the Botox injection in her neck. We had a meeting with her ENT doc, and he said he agrees that removing her adenoids would be beneficial. So now we're adding that on to it. It's a lot, but it's not the easiest for her to be put under multiple times.. I feel bad for doing so much to her at once, but the risks are less if it's once rather then three separate times. Plus, she gets put under so much already, why not try and combine? But we've been waiting for just the bronch since around December.. so we'll see. I've expressed my frustrations plenty, I just hope they understand.

After we do the all of that, next step depends on the results. If her Pulmonologist thinks that we can move forward with another swallow study, we will. If not, then we discuss. I talked with her ENT, and if the reason she aspirates is other than her just being underdeveloped, then it'd be surgical. And if it's surgical, most likely it's be very invasive surgery. We're hoping not go have to even discuss it further than that. We're hoping her muscles are just immature and need to develop more.

But boy oh boy does that girl love to taste food! A few nights back we had a lazy pizza dinner night. And Alli was sitting on the couch next to Ana, and Ana leaned over and started to suck on her pizza! I was also on the couch, so I let her taste the sauce, and she was in love! She was very upset with me when I had to take it away. She's starting to bite food now. It's amazing, yes, but terrifying for me. I am scared she is going to take a bit and aspirate a whole bit of actual food. AH! I don't think her doctor would be pleased with me. I don't even know really what would happen, I hope she wouldn't choke. But ugh. It's wonderful she understands that's what you do, but terrifying.

Other then those big things, the only other thing is that we are moving! We're moving closer to family, so it will be nice. It's where Kyle and I grew up, so we're happy we get to raise our girls there too. Only downside is we have to switch therapists. Which is a huge downside. Once that I didn't realize until after we had everything set up to move. Not only do we have to start over, but I'm nervous it will take Ana a long time (again) to get use to new people. People that move her and make her work.. She's one determined little girl. If she doesn't want to do something, rarely are you going to get her to do it.

Thanks again for keeping in the loop with Anabear! And the support and love! It's amazing to look back on the past year plus and see how far our little fighter has come! Like I always say, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you :)

With love,
The Polks