Miss Anabelle just turned TWO! I still can't believe it. She's such a big kid now. She talks and understands more than I am ready for. This year she was able to eat her cake! Although, she wasn't interested in the cake as much as she devoured the icing.
I will (mostly out of need) to keep it brief. I find myself starting an update, getting distracted, forgetting what I have already wrote, then just start over. I've done this about 8 times now...
In brief... Anabelle is eating orally now! She's still working on certain textures, but the desire is there. She loves eating. As apparent in the photo above. She does still eat through her feeding tube, which is a G-tube now. We have switched from a formula diet to a blended foods diet. At first, we were really crazy and counted calories and milliliters and charted and went crazy. Then meet with a nutritionist. She advised us to add protein and just put whatever we feed the older girls into a blend, and wa la. We have a 2 week follow up in 6 days. She's already gained 2 pounds. In just over a week. After 8 months of nothing... It's pretty spectacular.
She's a scooting pro now. At times she does get frustrated because her sisters can outrun her. We are practicing with a power wheelchair in physical therapy, and she's doing alright. She's also practicing with a gait trainer. It's a tad too big for her still, so the focus is to get her comfortable in it.
Also.. Ana is now the proud owner of an exoskeleton. Her's is for her arms. You may have see an article circulating around.. and it's similar to that. She is also a work in progress with using this. Tonight she actually scooted over to it and asked for her arms. Then got distracted and changed her mind to shoes.
Speaking of arms.. I recently spoke with Anabelle's uppers doctor. We talked about surgery. The surgery is called a dorsal carpal wedge osteotomy. She would also a procedure to help take Ana's thumb out of her palm a little. We have a follow up next month, so I'll post more then.
Oh, and boy does this kid have attitude. She is very vocal. Sometimes she may not being saying words necessarily, but she will make sure you know how she is feeling. I feel she is getting frustrated with not being able to always communicate her needs, or do it herself, so she becomes Monster Ana. She actually had her first time out last night because of it. I mean... you think she's so small and cute and nice... just wait until you are in the path of something she wants. Let's put it like this, she has no in-between. It's high or low. Happy or Freak Out. The terrible twos have hit the Polk house yet again. So, it's something we're working on.
Amelia and Allison are really showing more interest in her. Before their interest primarily laid in helping with the baby, not so much in the baby itself. Don't get me wrong, they still cuddled and loved her. But now they play with her. They are including her and realizing knows what's going on now. All of this is just age stuff. And she's finally caught up to where she's realizing (to a certain point) what they are playing, and plays along. It's wonderful to see the bonds they are creating.
And that's a 'brief' update. I will post again on Sunday. If I don't, please hold me accountable! I am so easily distracted, it's not even funny.
With love,
The Polks