Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Philly Part 2


Well, we've been home since Saturday technically...

Let me pick up from where I left off last.

On Thursday we had more therapy. It was actually very beneficial because we were able to move the time so Ana wasn't so exhausted from no naps. She was a bit tired still, but actually worked! We focused on rolling and scooting. Anabelle really liked to roll. We tried to get her into a prone position when she would roll on to her belly, she cried. Prone means she is up putting weight onto her forearms, like in an army crawl position. I think it might be to much of a stretch on the muscles in her shoulder/arm pit area since those muscles are really tight. There was also a wedge we used to help her learn to scoot. They has a smaller wedge that basically looked like a little slide, Ana sized. It has an inch lip on each side, and it was about 18 inches from top to bottom of the slide. We put Ana at the top, and at first helped her scoot down to show her how to do it. She was fine if we were doing it for her. But she got the idea, and did it solo! However... it scared her, and she cried. She's not use to moving on her own, so it was scary not to have our hands on her while she moved,  she didn't feel secure. But she is getting the idea, and I think she will progress quickly!

Friday: We had PT first. It was another good day! More of the same, but she is getting the idea, and I think it will only take a few months until she is all over the place and we will have to really baby proof again!

Saturday was our flight home. It was an early flight, especially since we had to return a car and was worried about it being spring break and the cut backs to TSA. We had a flight from Philly to Chicago, then Chicago home. With a 3 hour layover in Chicago. Unfortunately plans changed. On the flight to Chicago Anabelle's feeding tube broke. Now, she has a straight J tube. J is for Jejunum. Jejunum is the first part of your small intestine. The more popular tube is a G tube, and that goes directly into your stomach. Ana's tube bypass the stomach and goes directly to the jejunum. Her tube has to be replaced in the hospital under anesthesia. We aren't even give a replacement just in case we run into this issue. Also, because of the size she has, the part that comes out of her stomach hangs out about 6 inches or so. The tube broke in that part. I couldn't clamp it, so it just kept leaking. I had no choice but to stop her food. I dried it all up, and used some tape to try to stop it. So we finally get to Chicago. I learn that our plane is delayed by two hours. So 3 hour layover is now a 5 hour layover. This means Ana won't be eating this whole time, and it means getting her to the ER will take even longer. I tried calling doctors to get them to help expedite our process. Nope. Ana couldn't sleep well. She doesn't feel hunger, but her sugars and whatnot drop. You know that feeling when you haven't eaten for awhile, and you feel kind of sick? Yep, that's it. Then the plane was delayed another hour. At this point had been up traveling for 11 hours. Then our plane got in, and we had about a 4 1/2 hr plane ride home. Make that 11 hours 15 1/2. We land, go to get our bags, and learn because of the delays, they misplaced one bag. So I file a baggage claim. Then finally off the hospital!

We have to go to the ER, see if the department who replaces tubes will do it that night, and of course they won't. They have to admit Ana since by this point it has been over 24 hours since she's had anything, and she's dehydrated and her numbers have dropped. I usually have a really good experience with the nurses and doctors.. However this nurse rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was the lack of sleep and food on my end. Long story short, we finally get admitted, get her in bed, get her some sugar and electrolytes, sulfate, etc.. Which I learned the next morning they did incorrectly... And she starts to do better, but still exhausted. Get her a new tube, finally, and get out of dodge.

We got home Sunday evening. I am not sure how mom's travel solo for this trip repeatedly. I don't think I can do it again. I am still trying to recoup from this trip. Luckily Ana is able to nap:) However today (Tuesday) she is acting like her tube is in the wrong place. We can wait till morning to check, but hopefully it's fine.

Oh, but on top of this, Anabelle has been battling pink eye and a cold. She is one little trooper. Makes me feel like a big wimp sometimes :)

Hopefully that is the end to our excitement for awhile.

With love,
The Polks

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