You're so fine you blow my mind! Hey Mic-key!
Hope you get the song reference. :)
I'm getting tired of this feeding tube now.... If you don't know, they type of feeding tube Ana has is called a 'Mic-key button'. We've had trouble with granulation tissue, leaking, kids accidentally pulling it, problems traveling, clogs, and then Saturday morning at 5:45 am the balloon popped and it came out! You can imagine I panicked!!! I know I know. The book says 'If the balloon comes out, DO NOT PANIC!' No lie.
So I try to gather my beans. I try to put in her back up tube. But of course I can't find the jelly. So Kyle runs to the store. We get it all set up. Then we it all set up. I can't put the darn thing in, I think I'm too scared to hurt her. Luckily we had a foley and I was able to get that in easily, but not able to inflate the balloon. See, with the button and the foley there is a balloon on the end of them. It helps keep them from slipping out, or going to far in. So I call her surgeon's office and they say to go to the ER. So I go. And wait. And wait. They put it back in. But they have to do an x-ray before allowing me to feed her because they want to make sure it's in place. So we wait. And wait. All the while she isn't eating. In total she waited about 3 hours to eat. Which is a big stretch for her. She is literally ALWAYS eating. She was mad at us.
But all in all, she is fine now. The Mic-key's are suppose to last months, and this lasted us just over 2 weeks. My faith in them has dropped significantly.
This week we've had a few important appointments. Monday we meet again with her GI. She is pushing us right along to have her switched from a G-tube to a J-tube. Again, the difference is a G-tube feeds right into the stomach. A J-tube feeds right into the small intestines. With a G-tube, if she isn't absorbing the food fast enough, it just sits there in her stomach ready to come up any given second and give her reflux. The J-tube allows us to bypass this step, and she still gets everything she needs. Later when she shows that she's grown and is ok, we can go back to the G-tube, and eventually no tube! :)
I called today and they finally got the J-tube in, so tomorrow we get to go in and swap them out. It's an outpatient procedure at the hospital. That is, if all goes well. I'm not anticipating any issues, but can't rule them out. They do have to take her to O.R., they do have to put her under general anesthesia. They do NOT have to make any new cuts. So technically it's not a surgery. Her surgeon said that a surgeon won't even do the procedure, it'll be a radiologist or something. Gah. Just a bit scared. She doesn't do great with anesthesia or narcotics. And the worst feeling is handing over your baby to be taken away and put under. I hate it.
Long story short, I think things will start getting better. We had an appointment today with another doctor. Not really sure his specialty still.. But basically he sets up care for everything! He is going to help us get CCS, because we were denied, he's going to help us with therapies, and much more. Just kind of guide us through the systems. We've been very very lucky though. We've had amazing doctors thus far. A few little hiccups, but they all have Anabelle's best interest at heart, so I can't ask for much more.
Wish us luck and send prayers, good vibes, thoughts, and mo-jo our way tomorrow please! We get to the hospital at 12:30, and she's scheduled to go back at 2:30. Thanks everyone! <3
With love,
The Polks
My name is Anabelle. I was born with Arthrogryposis (AMC) and Gastroschisis. AMC affects my muscles and joints. It's different for everyone, but for me it left my legs straight and arms don't move too much. Gastroschisis affected my tummy, and left my intestines out. The doctors had to put them back when I was born. My parents started this blog to keep everyone up to date on what is going on with me. I have a long journey ahead of me, but sure am glad to have the support and love from everyone!
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