There has been so much since my last post. Sorry I haven't updated in the last few days, it's been busy.
I can proudly say Anabelle is done with IV's for now! She got her PICC line out Tuesday night so she is totally off TPN and lipids. The only thing she is hooked up to now are her leads, which monitor her heart and breathing. She is doing ok with eating.. she isn't eating as much as they would like her to, but it's not horrible. At least not bad enough to have to put a feeding tube in. They need her to eat 130 ml's per shift just to avoid dehydration and what not, but she actually should eat 200 ml's per shift to thrive and gain weight. I think she is eating about 150-170. Also, they've switched her to add lib on demand feedings, which means she eats as much as she wants when she wants, (just not past 4 hours). It's the last step in the feeding ladder. AND big big news! She got moved today! We walked into the Koala room, and she wasn't there! It was weird because we called to check on her before coming in, and her nurse didn't even mention it.. I guess they moved her late last night/early morning. But she is now in the Deer Room :) She has two roommates now, and they happen to be twins. It's super cute, a brother and sister. She doesn't have to move all the way down to the Bunny room to be discharged, but it's nice seeing her actually move away from the intensive side of the NICU. It's nice to actually see the progress she has made!
I got a call from cardiology today regarding a 6 month follow up. They mentioned something about a shunt, but she doesn't have one, and I just woke up so for some reason I thought they were pediatric surgery. I asked her nurse about it today, and she wasn't sure either. But she said she still hears a small murmur. Cardiology came by awhile ago and had an ultrasound done and said it looked fine. I'll have to follow up with someone tomorrow and figure it all out. Also, we have a follow up two weeks after discharge with surgery and orthopedics at UCD and Shriner's.
We toured Shriner's today. That place is awesome. They make all their braces and whatever she might need later right there on site. We got a tour of the area, and it's pretty cool. It's also awesome that they have a lot of things for our older girls there too. They are of course focused on Anabelle as the patient, but also focus and realize that it's a family event. They have an outside jungle gym, basketball hoop, & grass area that is totally enclosed, as well as a big section of toys for them to play with, AND they have volunteers who organize crafts and other fun stuff for them to do while Anabelle is busy :) They even offer a classroom and schooling, with two full time teachers! Also, when she gets to school age, if needed, they go in ahead of time and explain to her class any extras that she might need and answer questions so she won't feel awkward or have to answer the questions herself. That I think is an awesome bonus!
They are still looking at Sunday/Monday as a discharge day :) I just hope she continues to eat as good as she needs to. I am VERY ready to have our baby home. It will wonderful to have all of our family in the same room at the same time!
With love,
The Polks
That's is so good to hear. I have always heard great things about Shriners. I'm glad that she will be home soon .